Water Jockeys – MI

Visitors can almost feel the wind beneath the wings of this Trumpeter Swan couple as they jockey in for landing onto this 150ft long reflection pond.  Surrounding by a curved cascading water wall and three waterfalls leading into the pool, this is an oasis unlike any other.  Water Jockeys is a sculpture placement of immense beauty at  Tapper Gardens in Romeo, MI.

Tapper Gardens showcases 5 Napier sculptures all placed in custom designed settings.  This fully landscaped 3.5 acre garden is a true labor of love for the owners and boasts this 180ft reflections pool, Japanese style streams, ponds and waterfalls, over 4000 plants, bushes and trees and about a million pounds of rock!  The result is an atmospheric garden that feels more like walking through a stunning show of flora, fauna and fine art.

bronze swan sculpture




































mute swans, geese, honker













bronze trumpeter swan sculpture























Jason Napier with Bronze Trumpeter Swans















swans, trumpeter, geese, mute













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